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Giving Back in the Dominican Republic

A GROUP INCENTIVE EVENT WITH A HUMANITARIAN FOCUS Group incentive travel is a fantastic way to reward outstanding performance; it motivates with a memorable reward, fosters loyalty and dedication, raises company morale while reducing turnover, increases sales and profitability, and forges a stronger team dynamic. We love it when companies take advantage of incentive travel and reap the benefits of a workforce that is confident, inspired, and motivated. One of our clients went a step further with their group incentive trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic this past April; they added a humanitarian project that allowed attendees to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Over 400 guests attended this five night tropical group incentive event at the Paradisus Palma Real in Punta Cana. Of these guests, more than 180 volunteers spent an entire day creating a better future for the students and teachers at the Mis Primeros Pasos school. More than 600 service hours were logged and over $26,000 donated that resulted in the school finalizing the purchase of the property, the painting of three buildings, the addition of doors throughout the school, the installment of a perimeter fence and gate around the grounds, the refurbishment of 51 desks and chairs, the construction of four new shelves and benches, and the addition of a brand new toilet. While volunteers spent the day working on these improvements to the school, additional volunteers entertained more than 70 students on three exciting excursion events.

Several more improvements will continue to be made with the generous donation money and, when school resumes, over 50 bags of donated school supplies will be distributed to the children.

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Contact Destinations today if you are interested in incoporating a humanitarian project into your group incentive event!

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